Saturday, December 27, 2014

Skin Care for Teenagers'

In teenage the care of skin is very important because if you commencing to protect your skin from this age,you will look younger till long time at your age.In this age you will see that pimples,acne,blemishes,rushes,dullness,suntan and other skin related problems switch towards skin.So,protection is indispensable.But it is hard to choose the real and effective product.Because not choosing the right product and skin remedies,some allergic and some side effect can be seen on skin.But here the flawleskin blog will help you to choose the best product and skin remedies which would be helpful to make you younger forever.In teenage, skin is mild and glowing.but as you know skin get affected quickly from the polluted environment and sun burning UV rays and so on.
Teenage Skin Care
Use only natural herbal - Use lavender oil,Horsetail to keep away sagging skin.Use peppermint juice over face and neck to keep your skin cool and fresh.use Marie gold face packs for keeping your skin soft and mild.use chamomile to cure outburst of acne. Calendula,Nettle are also helpful for skin.
What should be done?
One should know whether his or her skin is oily or dry.It is because it helps you to choose the right product and skin remedies whether your skin not become so oil if it is oily itself or vise verse.So, know your skin first.
How you could know your skin is oily or not?
When you sleep at night while going to bed wash your face with a gentle soap and when while waking up early in the morning you will see your skin is oily if it contains oil particles on skin or dry if there is no oil over skin.Even you can see all the time oily contain that on skin and in other hand no oil if its a dry skin.
For Oily Skin- Oily skin is one of the sign of good skin even though its a bad for creating acne and pimples.Good because oily skin gives you ingredients which is essential for skin and make your skin moisturised always.But somehow it is worse because oily skin get affected with dust particles which is the cause of pimple and acne.
Care- One should wash his or her face with water 4 to 5 times a day with cold water.Do not apply any moisturised cream until winter season come.Keep a hygienic handkerchief to wipe your face.lemon grass is the best for oily skin. use juice of hazel to lighten your acne and pimple marks.Use cotton and rose water to wipe your face twice daily.Rose water gives you the clean face and keep your internal beauty safe.Don’t eat spicy food and all the time but once in a week because its also necessary to keep your immunity power strong.Use aloe vera astringent before any make up or fairness cream and keep 2 fairness cream and alter it after every 3 years.Simply means that 1 fairness cream you use is for 3 years and other for 3 years, alter it after every 3 years.and don’t use any other fairness cream keeping it mind why because the cream you use will help you to know your skin and suits you the best. See the link How to apply cream and make up and face packs for skin care.
For Dry Skin- It just opposite of oily skin. Dry skin is the cause of sun tan and blemishes.but pimple and acne rarely found.Dry skin gives you wrinkles and dullness.
Care- one should use moisturiser after washing face.The moisturiser must contain aloe vera and olive oil.One can use cleanser and use it with the help of cotton while coming from outside. Use aloe vera astringent before any make up. If you continue visit in sunny days.Use sun scream UVS-15 to 25. Wash your face twice to thrice a day with normal water.Use a fairness cream and keep 2 fairness cream and alter it after every 4 years.Simply means that 1 fairness cream you use is for 4 years and other for 4 years,alter it after every 4 years.and don’t use any other fairness cream keeping it mind why because the cream you use will help you to know your skin and suits you the best. See the link How to apply cream and make up and face packs for skin care.
How to recognise whether fairness cream is the best for you?
Before going to bed apply a little amount of your fairness cream under your elbow (just opposite of elbow from where your hand bend and nerve is seen), leave it overnight and see while waking up early in the morning whether there is any rashes or not.If no rashes found apply the cream without any doubt and if rashes are found don’t apply and go for other fairness cream.
Bath- Before going to bath just include a table spoon of salt in your bathing tub.And your skin will remain moisturised all the day.You can also use one table spoon of germ free liquid in your bathing tub.And pollution will remain away.To protect yourself from pollution use the Gomukhasana

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