Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yoga increases beauty.

There are many yogas for different diseases and for healthy life but few of them made for increasing the beauty.Every one want flawless skin in this polluted environment and if we do some yoga relating to beauty which even help to protect the body so, we should not ignore to give time for this.If you want that pollution may not harm our body and skin  then yoga is the best way to get  rid  from all diseases that come.There are various types of yogas but doing few of them make us healthy, fit and glossy.So,regular yogasan is important but in case of beautiness few yogasan gives best result for the same .   
Before doing yoga we should remember some points how we will get the best result?
1.Before doing yoga and after compliting the yoga. we should not eat any supplement,food or any beverage for 45 minutes.Means either do yoga after 45 minutes if you have eaten something or eat something  45 minutes after completing your yoga if you wish to eat something.
2.Before you do yoga the surface should be flat and take a blanket over you do the yoga.
3.You should keep in mind that your face shouldn't be in the north direction. 
4.After you complete or finish yoga exercise lets take a sleep or rest for half an hour.
5.Don't speak or listen anything while doing yoga.
6.Your yoga area or room should be airy where oxygen supply is good and you take fresh breath. 
7.Do only one yoga when you commencing yoga in a day. you can increase time and another yoga exercises in another day as the day continues.
8.Don't stretch your body a lot while doing yoga. keep it little loose.
Beauty growing yogas
Gomukhasana Fron and Back Look.
Gomukha Aasana :- Gomukha Aasana is for fight with pollution and dust. The person want to become healthy and glowing and for that Gomukha Aasana is important one.
Way of doing :
1.Sit straight on a blanket and stretch your leg in front of you. See the image before you do that it may easy to do.
2.Bend your both legs towards your buttocks and sit on it.
3.Now spread your right leg in front of you and bend it and keep your left leg upon it that your left and right legs knees' tips remain one on one.
4.Your right foot must touch the ground.
5.Now spread your both arms with their direction, slowly take it toward the sky, means raise it.
6.Now take your left hand towards your back that your left hand fingers' nail should touch the joint of your body and neck.
7.After this bend your right hand towards your back to touch left hand.
8.Lock your both hand fingers.
9.Keep your eyes open and see only one direction don't see here and there.
10.Take breath as normally.
11.Stay in the position for 15-30 seconds.
12.Slowly unlock your both hands fingers' and spread your hand with their direction.
13.Now do change the direction of your hand that now your right hand will be on your back and let your left hand touch your right hand to lock the fingers.
14.Stay in the position for 15-30 seconds.
15.Now you should change your legs direction that your left leg now will be above of your right leg.
16.Do the Gomukhasana for 5-10 minutes. Respectively changing your legs and hands direction.
17.You can do alternatively  thrice to five time with both of your hands.and twice to thrice altering both of your legs. 
1.Ability of sperm increases.
2.Urea,intestine and stomach relating disease remain away.
3.shoulders become strong. 
4.The nerve and muscles of legs are become strong.
5.Get relief from back bone pain.
6.Overcome from the Monthly disorders,Periods and Ovary relating problems and difficulties to females.
Halasana, Powerful Beauty Building Asana.
Halasan is the most beneficial yoga for improving beauty. One of the main reason to do the asana is that the pimples and small pustule will covered and maximum models  do such asana.
Weather Gomukhasana prevent and fight with dust and pollution and if we have pollution free body the Halsana improve and grows beauty. so, I reveal the secret, now enchant every one towards you.
1.Persons look younger.
2.The Spine becomes springy.
3.The fatness of stomach reduces.
4.Get rid from the Constipation, Indigestion and gas.
Way of doing :
1.Sleep with help of back and cling the  Ankles and toes together. See the image while you do.
2.Keep your hands on their(hand) sides and your palm should touch the ground.
3.Take a deep breath and straight your legs towards sky to make a 90 degree angle and bend it over your head that your leg touch the ground.
4.Stay in the position for a while.
5.Now exhaling reverse your leg to touch the earth.Your foot now touch the earth.
6.Keep your hand over your leg.
7.Do the asana twice at starting. and 10 times afterwise.

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Flawless Tips